How I Used Beer To Start A Reading Habit

Vijay S Paul
3 min readOct 17, 2020
glass of beer with a stack of books nearby
Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev on Unsplash

Disclaimer: I don’t encourage the use of alcohol. The example of beer is metaphorical and figurative, in a way.

The prologue

I had a hostel-mate in college who used to be a teetotaler. All of his friends would drink alcohol and he started feeling the peer pressure of being the only one in the group who didn’t.

Eventually, he succumbed to the temptations and pressures of mere mortals and started drinking beer, even though he hated it. Over a period of time, he got used to the taste and began drinking on his own too.

Present day

We have been in touch over the years and he’s back to being a teetotaler.

A few months back, when the pandemic was at its peak globally, we had a chat where he said that he wanted to build a reading habit. He was working from home, wasn’t able to socialize with his friends due to the lockdown, and hence was thinking of using the time to build a good habit.

And since reading is a habit he had been trying to start for long, but never succeeded with, he thought of giving it another shot.

And with me shamelessly bragging all over social media about how reading and writing are such good skills/habits to have, he thought of getting in touch with me to ask for some…



Vijay S Paul

Founder & Blogger @TypewriterMedia, Content Strategist, Storyteller. My newsletter on Communications & Content Strategy —